Monday, October 24, 2016


Militant group, Niger Delta Avengers, has launched a full blown attack on President Muhammadu Buhari, accusing him of bigotry and unfaithfulness. In a statement recently released on its website, NDA said it is disgusting for president Buhari and "his tribesmen to equate the revenue priorities of the Niger Delta region with regional comparisons of development in Nigeria. The group said the amalgamation of southern and northern Nigeria was for administrative convenience because the north was not viable economically and that the idea of bundling through bills like North East/West Development Commission is fraud, hypocrisy and bigotry by President Muhammadu Buhari. "President Muhammadu Buhari should think like a leader with the advantage of his age to see the genuine and legitimate agitation with the right attitude to pacify our people. We have been raped for too long, general Muhammadu Buhari should face the reality of the Niger Delta question. He can stop listening to ideas and advice of the agitation as political system support structure that his tribal warlords and conflict merchants have hypnotized him to believe as the face of the Niger Delta struggle. "Niger Delta is part of Nigeria federation that he governs, since he is the president, he will always need the cooperation of our people to share or allocate our resources to other component units. The daylight robbery and allocation of proceeds of our natural resources must stop. "When he was the chairman of Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), as general Sani Abacha henchman he exhibited this bigotry by focusing attention to his region, which he never pretend about by emphasizing 97% Versus 5% development and appointment structure that he has exhibited again in his fifth coming as national affairs. He never pretend to be ethnic and religious bigot; the only things he pretends about are his roles in the underdevelopment of the Niger Delta and Nigeria in the over three decades he has being in government - 1976, 1978, 1983/4, 1993/98 and now. "He also pretend over the deliberate politicization of the Niger Delta struggle by those tribesmen and conflict merchants he has abdicated the responsibilities of governing Nigeria to since, May 2015. He has forgotten that on his assumption of office, peace has been sustained in the region not through political party and structure support approach but the involvement of genuine stakeholders and the people of the region. The group said its demands remain the same, should Buhari decide to actually engage them in discussions as scheduled for October 31st. "We want to control our resources and pay appropriate taxation to the central government that is fiscal federalism in practice and in principles. It added that no amount of military action and surge "will stop us from halting the flow of the oil from our land to sustain Nigeria."

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